

IUMS Delegation Visits Turkey to Provide Aid and Building Plans for Earthquake-Affected Areas

الرابط المختصر :

A delegation of senior scholars from the International Union of Muslim Scholars, headed by the Union's president, His Eminence Sheikh Habib Salem Al-Saqqaf Al-Jifri, accompanied by His Eminence Sheikh Ali Al-Qaradaghi, the Secretary-General, and the members of the Board of Trustees, Sheikh Abdulwahab Aykinci, Sheikh Osama Al-Rifai, Sheikh Omar Qurqumaz, and Sheikh Wasef Ashour, visited the earthquake-affected areas in Turkey to provide aid to the affected people. During the visit, the delegation met with the Mufti of Kahramanmaras and expressed their condolences to the Turkish government and presented material and moral assistance to the affected people. The delegation also visited the Directorate of Security in Kahramanmaras and met with the Minister of Interior, Suleyman Soylu, and the spokesperson of the Turkish government, Mahir Unal. Suleyman Soylu welcomed the visiting delegation and thanked them for their great moral support to the government and the Turkish people. He emphasized the importance of this scientific visit in healing their psychological and physical wounds and affirmed the importance of the visit in enhancing spirituality and promoting relations between peoples. During the meeting, the activities that the Union will carry out in the affected areas were discussed, including building a hospital, a school, a mosque, and housing units, in addition to providing direct cash assistance. The delegation is currently conducting field surveys of the affected areas and working hard to provide more aid to those affected, reflecting the humanitarian role played by the International Union of Muslim Scholars and confirming the role of Islamic brotherhood in promoting spirituality and enhancing relations between peoples.

: الأوسمة

"الأمين العام للاتحاد العالمي لعلماء المسلمين يطلق حملة إغاثة للمتضررين من الزلزال في تركيا وسوريا"

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