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IUMS participates in family protection and homosexuality prevention.

  • 20/09/2022 | 9:36 AM
  • 1797
  • famille

In cooperation with 150 non-governmental organizations, the Turkish Unity of Opinion and Struggle Platform organized an event on Sunday to protect the family and fight homosexuality in cooperation with the Family Committee of the International Union of Muslim Scholars.

The march began on Sunday, September 18, at 2:30 pm, in Sirajhane Park, in the Fatih district of Istanbul, Turkey.

A similar rally is expected to be organized in all Turkish states on the same day in the coming days.

On the importance of such activities in protecting the family, Dr. said. Camelia Helmy, head of the Family Committee of the International Union of Muslim Scholars, Islamic governments are under severe pressure to oblige them to implement a number of international conventions and treaties, many of which contradict religion, values and morals, such as the CEDAW Convention, the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Convention on the Rights of the Child. Istanbul, and others.

She added, therefore, that it entails bringing about radical changes in national laws, such as complete equality between males and females in all legislations (such as guardianship, polygamy, guardianship, inheritance, and others).


Dr. continued. Camellia that some agreements expressly stipulate giving gays all rights and equalizing them with straight people, such as the Istanbul Convention. Which Turkey joined in 2011, and its application led to the beginning of the appearance of homosexuals in society openly, and to brag about this matter, which is a very dangerous matter, and to prosecute anyone who objects to this phenomenon for allegedly violating the Istanbul Convention, in addition to its direct impact on the relationship between spouses within the family through Expanding the concept of violence, until the scales were reversed within some families and the relationship between spouses was destroyed, and the rates of murder within families increased.


She called Dr. Camellia guardians to withdraw from that devastating agreement, and Turkey is the second country to withdraw from it, after Poland.

Families and morals must be protected

According to Dr. Camellia, the participation of tens of thousands in this event is a defense of the family system and morals, an affirmation of the religious and moral stability of the Turkish people, and a warning to anyone who would harm them.

She emphasized that the event was strong and showed the depth and authenticity of family values in the hearts of the Turkish people of all sects.


She urged all Muslim peoples to express their adherence to their religion and their original values, and not to give in to the international pressures that are being exerted on them in order to give up their religion and destroy the family.

About 150 non-governmental organizations in Turkey issued a press statement against homosexuality under the title "Protect your family and your generation... Say stop heresy."

"The number of representatives of non-governmental organizations supporting the statement is rapidly increasing," the statement said, noting that "a march will be organized on Sunday, September 18 at 14:30, with the participation of 30,000 people walking to Bayezid Square."

"LGBT activities in Turkey and the world have gained momentum in recent years," said Kursat Mikan, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Unity of Opinion and Struggle Platform, noting that "homosexuals use all segments and all types of media, from films to advertisements." From books to computer games, from artists to athletes, for propaganda purposes.”


"They advance through political and economic pressure, and thus they lead to the deterioration of the family and the youth," he added.


"Our goal is to immediately stop all propaganda activities, ban all activities, close down associations supporting (gay) and remove their filthy hands from our sacred family structure, our children and youth, and raise social awareness against the growing threat and danger of LGBT propaganda and imposition," he stressed.



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