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Union's Media Office Rejects False Allegations, Reasserts Anti-Normalization Stance with the Zionist Entity

Union Clarifies Misinformation Regarding Accusations of Designating a Nation as Anti-Islamic"

The Union has categorically denied rumors and information circulated on social media accusing it of labeling a specific country as antagonistic to Islam. Such publications have no basis in truth and are false statements intended to disseminate incorrect information.

The Union wishes to clarify that all its official communications and statements are exclusively released through its official websites and social media pages.

Furthermore, the Union stands firm on the declarations made by the Secretary-General and the jurisprudential opinions of the Ijtihad and Fatwa Committee, which state that normalization with the Zionist entity is strictly forbidden. The Union vehemently condemns any attempts at normalization with the occupying Zionist entity and calls for economic, political, and diplomatic boycotts against it.

The Union urges media outlets and the public to exercise accuracy and caution in disseminating information and to avoid propagating falsehoods. It is committed to providing transparent and correct information and encourages direct contact for accurate details regarding its positions and statements.

In conclusion, the Union expresses gratitude for the ongoing support and reiterates its dedication to championing the causes of the Muslim nation, with the Palestinian issue at the forefront.

May Allah protect the Muslim nation and unite its ranks.



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