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IUMS Condemns the Assassination of Scholars and Academics in Gaza and Calls for Immediate International Action

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

As we closely monitor the ongoing developments in Gaza with profound concern, and in light of the government media office's report listing more than 100 scholars, academics, university professors, and researchers who have been killed by the "Israeli" occupation forces during the ongoing genocide in Gaza for the eighth consecutive month.


We, at the International Union of Muslim Scholars:

Condemn in the strongest terms the assassination of scholars, academics, university professors, and researchers by the "Israeli" occupation. This distinguished group within Palestinian society is being targeted in a heinous crime aimed at destroying Gaza's educational and academic infrastructure.

Call on the international community and all educational and academic organizations worldwide to condemn this atrocious crime and work to hold its perpetrators accountable. The world's silence on these crimes is tantamount to complicity and participation in the genocide faced by the Palestinian people.

Hold the Israeli occupation fully responsible for this historical crime. The occupation systematically targets scholars and academics, with the American administration complicit in the continuation of this war through its unconditional support of the occupation.

Urge universities and educational sectors worldwide to stand in solidarity with scholars and academics in Gaza, pressuring the occupation to cease targeting educational and academic institutions, and ensuring the protection of students, schools, universities, and scholars.


Call on all human rights and humanitarian organizations to intervene immediately to stop these crimes, hold those responsible accountable, and work to provide necessary protection for scholars and academics in Gaza.


Secretary General: Prof. Dr. Ali Al-Sallabi


Date: May 16, 2024



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