

Conference of IUMS and Nation's Organizations of Scholars to Support Muslims in India and Kashmir

الرابط المختصر :

Final Communiqué
Conference of International Union of Muslim Scholars and Nation's Organizations of Scholars to Support Muslims in India and Kashmir

(Thursday, 8 Rabi’ Al-Awwal 1443 AH / 14 October 2021 AD)


Praise be to Allah, The Lord of the worlds; and prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Mohammad, his family, companions, and all who stay loyal to him until the Judgment Day:

The International Union of Muslim Scholars, in cooperation with various associations and bodies of the Muslim nation's scholars from all over the world, have held a virtual conference in support of Muslims in India and Kashmir in the face of the arbitrary procedures, injustice and persecution practiced against them, especially in the Indian state of "Assam", where more than 1,500 soldiers and policemen as well as 14 bulldozers, on 25 September 2021, destroyed Muslim homes, schools and mosques; and when people protested, they shot them, killing and wounding so many children. The people have become homeless; and this behavior was repeated in several locations, which resulted in the displacement of six villages in the area in the same technique!

The conferees also addressed the issue of Muslims of Kashmir, where prisons are overcrowded with them, amid the fascist and racist practices of the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (in English, Indian People's Party) led by PM Narendra Modi, where the Indian Prime Minister repealed Articles 35 and 370 of the Constitution that had allowed Kashmir to enjoy administrative rights, such as the ability to draft its own constitution, as well as the right to abstain from selling property to non-Kashmiris.

This conference was held online via Zoom technology, with the participation of heads and members of various Muslim scholar bodies across the world, which shows their commitment to support their Muslim brothers, and conviction of the injustice, displacement and persecution practiced against Muslims there. At the end of the conference, everyone agreed on the following:

First: that the sanctity and dignity of man are well established in all heavenly religions as well as man-made laws, and that violating this sanctity and degrading this dignity is contrary to what all religions and laws have stipulated.

Second: that what the Indian government is currently doing against the Muslims of India and Kashmir contradicts India's history of diversity and acceptance of the other, and also contradicts its successive constitutions that have guaranteed diversity and acceptance of religious and ethnic differences.

Third: that these arbitrary and unjust practices stand consistent with what the British colonization wanted to sow of division among all sects of the Indian society, particularly against Muslims, which poses a serious danger of disintegration of the social fabric of all spectrums of Indian society.

Fourth: that the conferees from all over the world call on the moderate figures in India to give priority to the higher interest of society, and call for immediate cessation of such practices that are not at all in the interest of Muslims or the interest of Indian society.

Fifth: The conference calls on all Muslim countries and organizations, especially the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), that comprises more than fifty Muslim countries; the Arab League, that includes more than twenty Muslim countries, and the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), that has diverse and solid relations with India, to do their duty in protection and support of the Muslims in India, and putting pressure on the Indian government by all possible political and economic means to stop targeting them with all types of persecution and aggression.

Sixth: that scholars attending this conference call on all international institutions concerned with human rights and Muslim affairs to undertake their duties, and to convict the arbitrary, racist and unjust procedures being practiced against Muslims. They also demand all imams and preachers to devote the next Friday sermon for addressing the suffering of the Muslims of India and Kashmir.

Seventh: We strongly condemn Hindutva distortion of history and appeals to all governments to provide security to all scholars all over the world who are standing for the truth.

In conclusion, the Muslim scholars will remain stationed on the frontiers of their nation, persistently standing firm in justice, witnesses for Allah, proclaiming the truth, never afraid of the reproaches of such as find fault, calling for civil peace and social stability, seeking lifting injustice from the oppressed, and Allah tells (you) the Truth, and He shows the (right) Way.


Issued by: the Conference of International Union of Muslim Scholars and Nation's Organizations of Scholars to Support Muslims in India and Kashmir on Thursday, 8 Rabi’ Al-Awwal 1443 AH / 14 October 2021 AD)

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