

Press Conference – International Forum for the Protection of the Family

الرابط المختصر :


Press Conference – International Forum for the Protection of the Family



Transgressions and Violations in the Document on the Elimination and Prevention of all Forms of Violence against Women and Girls”


May 11 and 12, 2013

Copthorne Hotel Doha, Qatar


Participants in the Press Conference:


- Dr. Ali Mohyi Al-Deen Al-Qaradaghi

Secretary General – The International Union of Muslim Scholars


- Buthayna Abdullah Abdul-Ghani Al Abdul-Ghani

Executive Director – The International Committee for Family Affairs affiliated with the International Union of Muslim Scholars

Head of the Supreme Organizing Committee of the forum


- Walid Al-Haidari

Public Relations Manager – The International Union of Muslim Scholars



First: the need for holding this forum


In context of the successive transgressions and violations of heavenly revealed teachings and creeds as well as the values, norms and traditions of Arab and Muslim nations, violations that are contained in many documents issued by the United Nations and its affiliate committees, the last and most blunt of them being the document on violence against women proposed and ratified in March 2013 which included many new concepts that replace heavenly concepts. 


Among the issues mentioned in this documents are:

 Adopting the concept of partnership between the spouses as a substitute for a man’s caretaking over the women.

 Complete equality between women and men, the cancellation of polygamy for the man in order to be equal with the woman.

 Withdrawing the authority to divorce from the husband to become solely in the hands of the judiciary.

 Granting girls all freedom to sexual relations with men and women, and issuing supportive laws.

 Equating a woman in an adulterous relation with the wife, and equating unlawful children to lawful ones.

 Preventing marriage under the age of 18, considering it a crime punishable by the law.

This lead the International Committee for Family Affairs of the International Union of Muslim Scholars to call for this forum to express Arab and Muslim nations’ rejection of this document in an organized and effective methodological and legal manner.


This forum is the first where women and rights organizations from all over the Muslim world meet to examine, discuss and study these documents in academic and objective ways to formulate decisions and recommendations that would influence these documents.


Forum Objectives:


1. Monitoring the different violations and transgressions (religious, social, rights, health) in the document on the "Elimination and Prevention of all Forms of Violence against Women and Girls”.


2. Mobilizing public opinion in the fields related to the document, warning its extremely dangerous implications for women and family.


3. Proposing Islamic views of women and family in Islam on the governmental level to act as a legislative reference for laws related to family, women and children in the Muslim world (the adoption of the Family Convention in Islam, working on issuing a document for the rights and duties of women in Islam).


4. Reconsidering the agreements signed, as well as documents concerned with women and children, and advocating an international demand for ending the implementation of all parts that contradict with Islamic Shariah law.


5. Issuing a unified international guide to the terms and concepts related to women and family.


Fifth: some of the participating entities in the forum:

King Abdul Aziz University – Saudi Arabia

Muslim Women Association – Nigeria

WA`I Organization for spreading social awareness – Saudi Arabia

Dar Al-Inmaa Al-Ijtima`I (Home for Social Development) – Qatar

League of International Islamic Women Organizations – Saudi Arabia

Qatar Charity Organization – Qatar

The International Islamic Committee for Women and Children – Egypt

The Supreme Council of Family Affairs – Qatar

The Constituent National Assembly – Tunisia

Center for Family Counseling – Qatar

Center for the Introduction of Islam – Switzerland

Cultural Center for Childhood – Qatar

Center for Family Studies and Research in Values and Law – Morocco

Al-Owain Center – Qatar

Al-Wiam Center for Psychological Counseling – Morocco

Bait Al-Noor Center – Kuwait

Qatar Debates – Qatar

The International Islamic Forum for the Family – Algeria

Al- Zahraa Forum for Moroccan Women – Morocco

Women of Islam Organization - Sudan



For communication and inquiries: phone: 0097433346680

E-mail Address:

[email protected]

Sahar Mohamed

Head of the Media Committee


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