

Al-Qaradaghi stated in the weekly message,  It is an honor for scholars to defend the causes of the Islamic nation.

الرابط المختصر :

In the weekly message of IUMS, broadcast from the headquarters of the Union on Tuesday, March 1, 2022, Dr. Qaraqdahi urged Islamic nation scholars to speak out against the occupation forces in Palestine and defend the concerns of the Islamic nation as a whole.

According to him, scholars should support the people of Al-Quds with words and actions, since one of their roles is to inherit from the prophets, and the greatest inheritance from them is to defend the nation,, as well as inform and call people.

In addition, he urged scholars not to fear anyone but God Almighty, which is the motto of the International Union of Muslim Scholars, who convey God's messages and do not fear anyone except Him.

In this context, since its establishment, the Union has supported Al-Quds and Palestine, as it has called for an entire week, known as "International Jerusalem Week," To support Al-Aqsa and the Al-Murabitin in Beit Al-Maqdis, including men, women and children.

His Eminence praised the great role scholars are currently playing in defending Al-Aqsa Mosque and the issues of the Islamic nation, and urged them to continue on the path of permanent sermons, raising awareness and educating Muslims about their issues and ways to resolve them. And he assured them of the necessity of explaining the danger that surrounds the nation as a result of some methods and means that work to dilute the Palestinian cause through attempts by some Arab countries to normalize and normalize the so-called peace with the usurping entity.

On the level of youth and media duty to support the cause of Palestine, Qaradaghi urged the need to increase the media role played by young people in various international languages, not just the Arabic language, so that the Western community can understand our cause and clarify the cunning role that the occupying enemy is trying to play in the heart of the issue and make it its own cause.


: الأوسمة

القرة داغي في الرسالة الأسبوعية للاتحاد بعنوان "دور العلماء في دعم أهل القدس وفلسطين: انه لشرف كبير للعلماء في الدفاع عن قضايا الأمة.

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