

In celebration of Al-Quds Global Week and as part of launching "Qimam Maqdisia" initiative, the Al-Quds Committee of the IUMS- Doha Branch organizes a dialogue seminar.

الرابط المختصر :

A dialogue seminar was held on 8/3/2022 AD by the Al-Quds Committee of the International Union of Muslim Scholars - Doha Branch to inaugurate the Al-Quds Global Week and launch the Qimam Maqdisia initiative.

A group of evacuated scholars was invited to do the symposium under the slogan "When will we return?" They included Sheikh Dr. Ali Mohieddin Al-Qara Daghi, Secretary-General of the IUMS, Sheikh Muhammad Al-Hassan Al-Dado Al-Shanqeeti, the consultant  at the College of Sharia at Qatar University and member of IUMS, and Dr. Tariq Al-Suwaidan, the Well-known Islamic preacher and thinker.

On the symposium program is the launch of the "Qimam Maqdisia" initiative headed by Mr. Abdulla Al-Kooheji, which sheds light on the role of youth in supporting and defending Al-Aqsa.

In a seminar, the speakers discussed the necessity of each individual providing a helping hand, including financial, political, and media support.
The seminar was opened by Dr. Ali Al-Qura Daghi, Secretary-General of the Union of Muslim Scholars. He stressed the importance of Al-Aqsa Mosque and Al-Quds, and urged the Islamic and Arab nation to support Al-Aqsa Mosque, denouncing some Arab regimes’ negative stance towards the Palestinian issue and the acceleration of normalization with the usurping entity, which he considered as standing by the occupation on Calculation of the issue of the nation, which is the issue of Palestine.
In addition, he added that Al-Quds is an indication of the nation’s strength and weakness, when weakness appears first in the heart of A-Quds, and that Quds is the goal of the Arab and Islamic nation, and he stressed that one of the conditions for victory is achieving servitude to God and not relying on anyone other than God Almighty and preparing strength using modern methods , calling for Support and support the people of Quds, each with what he can financially, media and politically.

Sheikh Muhammad Al-Dado said: All Muslims must feel the importance of the Palestine issue. Whoever wants pride and empowerment, this is his door and this is his opportunity, and everyone must also feel that the issue of Palestine is a worship of God Almighty and that the responsibility of liberating Jerusalem falls on the entire Islamic nation, and this is the toil of his virtue as well. On the Arabism of Palestine, especially Jerusalem, and that Muslims have more right to it than the Jews.

The Islamic preacher and thinker. Dr.Tariq Al-Suwaidan, affirms that the liberation of Palestine is inevitable. This is a promise from God, and the liberation of Palestine will not originate within Palestine, but from outside. This is because we are fighting an occupying force supported by the European world that all the Islamic and Arab nations must unite and fight for Palestine and its capital, Al-Quds. 

The seminar was concluded with thanks, appreciation and praise to all the scholarly associations, individuals and institutions that contributed to the success of Al-Quds Global Week.

Source: IUMS

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