الرابط المختصر :
A new report from the Tunisian branch of the Union states that they have continued their training activities using the same previous division, where approved religious materials are taught through dedicated Facebook groups for each level of training. Dozens of male and female students regularly attend these virtual lessons.
The report explained that these lessons are taught by professors from the University of Zitouna, most of whom are leading experts in this field. A source in the Tunisian branch of the Union said, "We are proud to enable our students to learn through dedicated Facebook groups, where they can benefit from our specialized lessons in religious materials regularly according to a specified schedule. We are confident that these prescribed programs will help qualify our students to become imams, preachers, advisors, and guides in the future."
It is expected that these prescribed programs will end with about 900 teaching hours, and the branch is expected to continue using this educational model in the future.