

IUMS extends its condolences to the fraternal Libyan people and calls on its Islamic nation and humanitarian organizations for urgent, comprehensive

الرابط المختصر :

The International Union of Muslim Scholars shares with its brotherly Libya - its people, government, and leaders - its pain and sorrow during this tough time that eastern regions of the country have experienced due to the devastating floods that swept several cities and villages, leaving approximately 2000 dead, with hundreds injured and missing (preliminary statistics).


We express our sincere condolences and sympathy to Libya, its people, government, and leaders. We regard the victims as martyrs, God willing, with their Lord. We sincerely pray that the Almighty bestows His vast mercy upon them, rewards them with the best reward, honors their residence, and grants them entry into Paradise. May He grant their families and loved ones patience and solace and bestow quick healing and wellness upon the injured.

The Union urges Arab and Islamic countries, international, relief, and charitable organizations to urgently respond by providing humanitarian aid in light of this disaster. Necessary assistance, including rescue operations, medical aid, and sending food and medical convoys to the affected areas, should be offered to support and assist the victims.

In response to God's command to cooperate and do good, He said, "And cooperate in righteousness and piety, but do not cooperate in sin and aggression." (Surah Al-Ma'idah: 2). God assists His servant as long as the servant aids his brother, and in the spirit of unity (when one part suffers, the whole body feels it).

May God protect Libya and all Muslim countries from calamities, disasters, tribulations, and any harm. May He bless its people. Amen.

Tuesday, 27 Safar 1445H

Corresponding to September 12, 2023 AD

Dr. Ali Al-Qaradaghi

Secretary-General of the International Union of Muslim Scholars.

: الأوسمة

مواضيع مرتبطة

البحث في الموقع

فروع الاتحاد

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