

Istanbul: Union President Sheikh Dr. Ali Al-Qaradaghi Attends International Conference on 'Freedom for Palestine

الرابط المختصر :

The Sheikh Dr. Ali Mohyi Al-Din Al-Qaradaghi, President of the International Union of Muslim Scholars, is participating in an international conference titled "Freedom for Palestine."


The conference is being held in Istanbul, Turkey, from January 14 to 15, 2024. It brings together a group of thinkers, researchers, and specialists from various Arab and foreign countries.


Also participating in the conference are elites from the political and religious thought, in addition to representatives of popular movements and change currents.


Palestinian Issue


The conference will address several issues, including re-assessing the risks of Zionism and its racism at the national and international levels, and affirming the Palestinian people's right to legitimate resistance as a fundamental way to face the multiple challenges facing the Palestinian issue.


The first day's events include a detailed session on "The Racism of the Zionist Idea." The speakers in this session will discuss the dangers of Zionism and its similarity to the apartheid system. Mandela Mandela from South Africa is expected to participate in this legal discussion.


Zionism is Racism


The events continue by highlighting the role of Zionism as a global threat, focusing on its responsibility in exporting oppression and committing war crimes, as well as suppressing freedom of expression. This session includes participation from Brazilian journalist Bruno Altan, Professor David Miller, and Professor Yanis Rakhiots.


The first day concludes with a discussion of the "Zionism is Racism" document, which is scheduled to be adopted in the presence of the conference participants.


Freedom for Palestine Platform


On the second day, the first session is dedicated to words of support for the Palestinian people and endorsement of their resistance under the title "Freedom for Palestine Platform." The second session focuses on the issue of "Criminalizing Resistance and Deliberately Confusing It with Terrorism," including papers discussing various aspects of this issue.


The conference concludes with the launch of the initiatives "Zionism is Racism" and "Resistance is a Right and Duty," as part of the conference's message, enhancing awareness about the Palestinian issue and reaffirming the participants' commitment to supporting the Palestinian cause.


Source: Al-Ittihad

: الأوسمة

رئيس الاتحاد الشيخ علي القره داغي يؤكد دورًا كبيرًا في دعم حقوق الشعب الفلسطيني ويكشف عن مشاريع قادمة لدعم غزة (حوار)
"اليوم العالمي من أجل غزة".. تظاهرات عالمية نصرة لفلسطين وتطالب بوقف الإبادة وتندّد بالعدوان الإسرائيلي

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