قال صحيفة "ميلي جازيت" الهندية: إن زعماء المسلمين في الهند طالبوا المجتمع الدولي بالتدخل لإنقاذ الروهينجيا ومصر.
وأشارت الصحيفة إلى المؤتمر الصحفي الذي عقد في مكتب مجلس شورى مسلمي الهند الذي يمثل المظلة الجامعة للمنظمات الإسلامية هناك، وطالب فيه زعماء المسلمين بتدخل المجتمع الدولي والقوى العظمى من أجل الضغط على حكومة ميانمار لوقف اضطهاد أقلية مسلمي الروهينجيا، وطالبوا كذلك القوى العظمى بمقاطعة وفرض عقوبات مشابهة للتي فرضت على نظام الفصل العنصري في جنوب أفريقيا، على ميانمار إذا استمرت في ممارساتها ضد المسلمين.
وعبر قادة مسلمي الهند عن قلقهم إزاء الأوضاع الخطيرة التي تشهدها مصر ، وأدانوا أحكام الإعدام التي تصدر بالجملة من قبل "الحكومة العسكرية" ضد المعارضة السياسية، وحذروا من أن "الحكومة العسكرية" الحالية في مصر تدفع البلاد باتجاه الحرب الأهلية.
وحث زعماء المسلمين الولايات المتحدة وحكام الخليج خاصة بالضغط على "الحكومة العسكرية" في مصر لوقف أفعالها الانتقامية وإعطاء فرصة للديمقراطية عبر إجراء انتخابات حرة ونزيهة.
نص بيان مجلس شورى مسلمي الهند
Indian Muslims call upon the international community to help Egypt and Rohingyas
We are utterly disturbed by the ongoing tragedy of the Rohingya Muslims of Mayanmar who, in their thousands, are stranded now at high seas in rickety ships and boats in South-east Asia where they are dying by their dozens every single day. No country is ready to shelter them while their own homeland, Mayanmar, actively persecutes them. Already, around 70 thousand Rohingyas are living in refugee camps in their own country after last year's violence by Burmese chauvinist outfits which receive active encouragement by the Mayanmar government. The internal refugee camps inmates too are dying due to hunger and lack of medical care. Burma claims that the Rohingyas are not Burmese. The Burmese govt has made a strange provision under which a Rohingya has to prove that his/her ancestors were present in Burma in 1840, which is an absurd requirement in a country where official registers of citizens or identity cards were not issued in those times. UN and other organisations and government have spoken in support of the Rohingyas, but this is not enough. We demand our own government, international organisations and foreign governments to boycott Mayanmar, recall their ambassadors from Yangon and impose sanctions against the ruling junta. Only drastic steps like these will make the Burmese military rulers see the light of reason. At the same time, we ask the countries of the region, i.e., Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia and Australia, to allow these wretched refugees to enter their lands urgently, to live with dignity.
As regards the situation in Egypt, we observe that it is getting worse under the putschist generals who overthrew the country's only democratically-elected President last July killing over 3000 of the Morsi supporters, injuring tens of thousands and imprisoning over 20,000 people who protested against the coup. Ever since, Egyptian courts, under the influence of the military regime, have been dishing out wholesale death sentences to the supporters of the deposed president and now he himself is included in the latest list of the wholesale death sentences against over 100 distinguished people including the greatest living Muslim scholar, Shaikh Yusuf Al-Qaradawi, who is now a Qatari national nad was not even present in Egypt when the developments leading to and after the military coup took place. We strongly condemn the revengeful dictatiorial policies of the Egyptian military rulers and warn them that they are pushing their country to a state of perpetual civil war and strife which will ruin the benign civil society of Egypt.
We also call upon the American and Gulf supporters of the Egyptian military rulers to desist from pushing that hapless country to civil war. Instead, they should support democracy which is the only civilised way of governance and political change.
Dr. Zafarul-Islam Khan, President, AIMMM
Nasrul Ali, Vice President, Jamaat-e Islami Hind
Mufti Ataur Rahman Qasmi, General Secretary, AIMMM
Masoom Moradabadi, General Sectetary, AIMMM