

Education Must For Peace, Development: Baligh

الرابط المختصر :

ISLAMABAD, Jan 30 (APP):Federal Minister for Education and Professional Training, Engr. Muhammad Baligh Ur Rehman Tuesday said that the education is fundamental for the establishment of peace and development.

The minister stated this while addressing two-days International Conference on the Role of Muslims in the Contemporary Age jointly organized by University of Lahore, International Universities Council and International Union of Muslim Scholars here.

The heads of various universities, academicians and senior scholars from the Muslim countries participated in the conference.

Baligh Ur Rehman said the government is fully focused on obtaining universal literacy in the country and also meeting the national goal set for higher education.

He said that Muslims today are facing many challenges and terrorism is a major challenge among them. Pakistan has played a lead role against terrorism and succeeded in controlling menace of terrorism and ensuring peace.

The minister said that it is the time for the Islamic countries to put their resources, both human and finances towards achieving the cherished goal of peace, harmony, development and security in the world. The Muslim countries will also have to link up with the larger world to accomplish the common goals and develop capacity for this purpose.

Baligh Ur Rehman said that Muslims will have to focus on education and equip themselves with modern technologies and skills.

We will have to inculcate the students for habit of reading, he said, adding that we need to focus on character building of the students so that they could be able to differentiate between right and wrong.

The minister said that present government is focusing on the promotion of quality education in the country and raised funding for education sector.

He congratulated the University of Lahore, the Internal Universities Council and International Union of Muslim Scholars for organizing the international conference in Islamabad.

He hoped that this gathering of scholars, academicians and diplomats will come up with a way forward and suggest actionable strategy on how the Muslims should position themselves in the present networked and fast moving world.


: الأوسمة

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