

IUMS has held its first extraordinary General Assembly meeting since its establishment to discuss and vote on the articles of association

الرابط المختصر :

During the IUMS #Extraordinary General Assembly held on Saturday, 9 Shaaban 1443 AH, corresponding to March 12, 2022 AD, the IUMS discussed the articles of the statute and voted on it remotely via the Zoom technology.

The Extraordinary General Assembly started precisely at two o'clock in the afternoon Mecca Al-Mukarramah time, and began discussing the articles of the proposed statute. It was agreed to announce the overall vote on the proposed statute on the evening of the following day.

Dr. Raissouni, President of the International Union of Muslim Scholars, opened the meeting, followed by the speech from His Eminence Sheikh A. Dr. Ali Al-Qarra Daghi, Secretary General of the Federation.

It is noteworthy that this meeting is the first for the General Assembly to be remotely held since its first meeting on 23 Jumada II 1426 AH corresponding to July 11, 2004 in London,

: الأوسمة

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