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A statement of the 48th meeting of the Commission on Population and Development draft resolution in the UN, entitled: "Integrating population issues into sustainable development”

In the name of Allah the most Merciful and most Graceful


A statement of the 48th meeting of the Commission on Population and Development draft resolution in the UN, entitled: "Integrating population issues into sustainable development”


Praise be to Allah, and prayer and peace be upon the final Messenger of Allah; Muhammad, and upon his family and companions and all those who followed his noble guidance till the Day of Judgment.


The International Union of Muslim Scholars (IUMS) , and a lot of bodies and associations of Muslim Scholars, and civil society organizations, and many of the wise world, is following with deep concern the various committees issues of the United Nations of documents belonging to the population, women and children, includes provisions that threaten the family and cohesion stability, through the adoption of a number of issues that go beyond the limits of individual freedoms; to threaten society's values and the foundations of stability.


The International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) held by the United Nations Population Fund UNFPA in Cairo in 1994, the most serious of conferences held by the United Nations. Where the document issued by it collided clearly and explicitly with religion and human values and common sense.

The conferences had continued following the full implementation of that document in total disregard of the countries reservations. After twenty years from the date of signing of this document, it turns out that it is not possible to fully implement, which was requiring the United Nations to review its stance biased unite pattern of social, economic, and values , and establish a new attitude based on respect for cultural and moral diversity of the peoples of the world, but it goes too far choosing to challenge peoples Will, and to impose more pressure to apply the document.


It is raising at the meeting (48) of the Commission on Population and Development; held at the United Nations in New York in the period 13-17 April 2015, a Resolution holds more pressure, and pledge full implementation of the Cairo document of the population, and other relevant documents.


We the IUMS oppose on the project the following:


First: The repeated emphasis on the full implementation of (the Program of the International Conference on Population and Development), and (basic actions for the further implementation of the Program of the International Conference on Population and Development), and the other related to women's and children's documents such as CEDAW, the Convention on the Rights of the Child, a document Beijing and other, without taking into account the cultural and moral contrasts between the different regions of the world and without any reference either closely or from afar for reservations recorded by the governments at the signing of these documents, as well as ongoing by the United Nations pressure on governments to withdraw its reservations about such agreements1.


Second: consider that the Gender Equality2, and the empowerment of women and girls3, and to ensure access to sexual and reproductive health4 to achieve sustainable development, and considered part of human rights, including making opposition later violation of human rights, and this represents a threat great on the value system of the family and moral and humanitarian community for the following reasons:


A. Claim of gender equality, the fact of the matter is the claim by: cancel all the differences between men and women to reach the absolute equality, and at the same time demanding equal rights for gays and misfits5.


B. Claim empowerment of women and adolescent girls, gives them the right to take full control of her body, and in its life, in complete independence from any other party, there is no obedience to the husband or any guardian! Also giving the girl the right to choose the gender identity and to choose the Sexual Orientation.


T. Claim to provide sexual health services and reproductive health of women and adolescent girls (without mentioning the marital status), PSD Cairo Population stipulates: "The teenage girls who become pregnant need special support from their families, local and community during pregnancy and early childhood care period. The teenagers must be fully involved in the planning and implementation and evaluate this information and services, with due regard for parental guidance and responsibilities6! "



1- In the report (Review of the assessment and implementation of the Declaration and the Beijing Platform for Action the twenty-third special session of the General Assembly 3E / CN.6 / 2015 /), 9 march 2015 where Secretary-General Ban Ki-Mon stressed the "fully guarantee universal ratification of the Convention and applied in all around the world, including by dragging the reservations and ratify the Optional Protocol "(item 284 - p. 107).


2 - Represents the term (type) Gender term hinge around which most of the United Nations terminology, has been passed for the first time through the preamble of CEDAW. It is noted that gender equality is a Gender Equality translate error to "gender equality" in Arabic documents, and is used in a variety of contexts, including "gender identity defined by the Encyclopedia Britannica (Encyclopedia Britannica) as: «the human sense of himself as male or female». Thus, the human kind - and accordingly Altarev- is variable and depends on the sense of choosing the person!! While includes «sex» male and female, the «gender» includes all species (man, woman, and gay). Therefore, gender equality (type), including the equality of all kinds!


3 - "Women Empowerment term translates to" the empowerment of women, "a misleading translation. The word" empowerment "is the word of the Koran received Arab and Islamic mentality positive concept, namely: women's empowerment given to it by Islamic law, and the word for" Enable "in the English language is the word


Thirdly, referring to the reports of the Secretary-General issued in this session: E / CN.9 / 2015/3, E / CN.9 / 2015/4, E / CN.9 / 2015/5, carrying dangerous to the inclusion of these reports on the sticking points and controversial, such as:


- Alternative arises to reduce the birth control is "young people's access to and modern contraceptive methods for the prevention of teenage pregnancy7." In contrast, "the elimination of early marriage (under 18) to be made available to women the possibility to control the number of children and thus contribute to the slowing of population growth on the global level."8


- Repetition of the link between gender equality, and the empowerment of women, access to sexual and reproductive health and sustainable development.9


- The report condemns the turnout of young people to marry, and due to the lack of sexual health services and reproductive health, stipulates: "With the failure to provide the possibility for everyone to get health services, sexual and reproductive … Strongly young marriage rates increase, especially adolescent girls at an early age!"10


Accordingly the report welcomes "the Human Rights Council to take a historic decision to prevent the practice of child marriage and early marriage ... and deepen global commitment that the legal minimum age to be recognized for marriage is 18 years in all countries."11


Enabling, Not Empowering. While the word Empowerment means Relay, and bullying in. And target documents to strengthen women to control her body in full control.


4 –know the Sexual health and procreation in item (95) of document Cairo Population b «recognition of the basic right of all individuals and buddy (couples) to decide freely and responsibly the number and spacing, and timing to Have; and to have the information and means to it, and the right to attain the highest attainable standard of sexual and reproductive health ».


5- In the tenth of December 2010, called Ban Ki-Mon, Secretary-General of the United Nations to combat discrimination based on «Gender Identity» sexual orientation where he denounced the "now considered homosexuality a crime in more than seventy countries. This criminality is not true! "He continued: "When the attraction between cultural legacies and universal human rights should happen to win universal human rights." 


(Http:// He praised the "States that began in the" provision of legal mechanisms to protect lesbian, gay, 

bisexual and transgender persons "(report," Review of the evaluation and implementation of Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action and the outcome of the twenty-third special session of the General Assembly 3E / CN.6 / 2015 / ", 9 مارس 2015 (item 281), p. 106.


6-Report of the Cairo Conference on Population, 1994, item 7/47, p. 55.


- Instead of spending on real development for poor countries, the millions spent on "Promotion of reproductive health commodity security" provided by the United Nations Population Fund, UNFPA of condoms and contraception.12 "Fund projects designed to provide a package of health services, sexual and reproductive health for young people through partnerships with schools, colleges and health facilities, civil society and other sectors that focus on young people!


- While these documents are considered to restrict sexual freedoms of all human rights violation, without looking at the flagrant violations of Muslim women and girls in many parts of the world, such as Syria, and Palestine, and Iraq, Burma, and Egypt, and Central Africa and others, of killing, burning, and systematic rape, torture, and arbitrary arrests.


Fourth: call resolution 68/309 on the report of the Open Working Group (OWG), which stated that the proposed proposal developed by the group, and is included in 

the report, it will be the ground that are invoked in the integration of sustainable development goals SDGs in the development agenda for the After 2015 (the post-2015 development agenda) and offered to negotiate in the sixty-ninth meeting of the General Assembly to be held in September 2015, which is a very serious matter, where he devotes the proposal, all of the above-mentioned sticking points at the invitation of sustainable development and poverty eradication,


The travesty of the awareness of the people, the suggestions ignores the real causes of poverty, which lies in the depletion of the third world's wealth, from colonial times to the present day, and instead of asking the developed countries to compensate what it depleted, and repair corrupted from the climate and environment, was the highlight of consumption patterns, and claim peoples Developing pay the bill for the Western world consumption, in addition to the imposition of trusteeship on the rest of the people's wealth, according to the standards of the western world puts.


7- Report of the Secretary-General (the integration of population issues in sustainable development, including integration into the development plan beyond the year 2015, E / CN.9 / 2015/3). Item (17) 14 p.


8- Report of the Secretary-General (the integration of population issues in sustainable development, including integration into the development plan beyond the year 2015, E / CN.9 / 2015/3). Item (52) p. 32.


9 - Report of the Secretary-General (the integration of population issues in sustainable development, including integration into the development plan beyond the year 2015, E / CN.9 / 2015/3). Item (23) p. 18.


10 - Report of the Secretary General (monitoring of population programs, focusing on the integration of population issues in sustainable development, including integration into the development plan beyond the year 2015, 4E / CN.9 / 2015 /). Item (23) p. 10.


11- Report of the Secretary General (monitoring of population programs, focusing on the integration of population issues in sustainable development, including integration into the development plan beyond the year 2015, 4E / CN.9 / 2015 /). Item (32) p. 16.


12 - Report of the Secretary General (monitoring of population programs, focusing on the integration of population issues in sustainable development, including integration into the development plan beyond the year 2015, 4E / CN.9 / 2015 /). Item (40) p. 19.

In front of these data, we emphasize the following:


-First: Demand the United Nations and its affiliated bodies Organization to respect the will of the people and moral value systems that are based on it, and that will keep the actual international peace and security.


- Second: Call the Islamic countries to take a unified and decisive position on the international documents related to population, women and children, and the rejection of all is contrary to Islamic Shariaa, both in previous documents Cedao, and Beijing, and a document Cairo residents, and others, or any documents that will be done later for discussion or signature.


-Third: Strengthening the position of governments to adhere to the reservations in order to preserve the national identity and sovereignty.


-Fourth: The United Nations Children were required to take serious steps and process; to raise the real violence on women and girls in all areas where they are exposed to the killing, burning, and detention, torture, and systematic rape.


May Allah Almighty Grant us success



Doha on 23 Shaaban 1436

Corresponding to April 12, 2015






Mr. Dr. Yusuf Al-Qaradawi                                               Mr. Dr. Ali Muhiuddin Al-Qurra DAghi


IUMS President                                                                                          General Secretary



IUMS strongly condemns the criminal incident, which targeted more than 140 people at the University of Garissa, Kenya, and asserts that Islam is innocent of all these terrorist acts.
IUMS strongly condemns the execution against six Egyptians and the death sentences against Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi, the elected president Dr. Mohamed Morsi, and other Egyptians.


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