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IUMS Calls to relief and reduce the suffering of Kashmiri citizens also calls India and Pakistan to focus on limiting the suffering of the people.

IUMS Calls to relief and reduce the suffering of Kashmiri citizens also calls India and Pakistan to focus on limiting the suffering of the people.

Praise be to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon the Messenger of Allah; Mohammed, and upon his family, companions and allies. And after;

IUMS is following with deep sadness, the status of the citizens in the territory of Kashmir – that is disputed between India and Pakistan –due to the floods, which have killed hundreds, and have displaced thousands, in addition to the severe damage that occurred to thousands of homes, since a number of cities in the region and around it has flooded, and in front of this humanitarian catastrophe, the Union stresses on the following:

1.The Union precedes sincere condolences to the families of the victims of the floods, which occurred recently in Kashmir, asking Allah Almighty to bring His mercy on them, and inspire their parents the patience, and to accept them as martyrs.

2.IUS calls all the humanitarian relief, charities, and health organizations, and good people around the world to help their fellow Kashmiris, to rescue them in their crisis, after losing their parents, homes, money and everything they own. Adding to it that they are facing state of life that is one of the worst cases a human being can be exposed to.

3. IUMS urges the states of India and Pakistan to move over the phase of the dispute around the region, and pay attention to the interests of the citizens there, to reduce the terrible suffering which they are exposed to as a result of these floods, which claimed the lives of their loved ones and made them homeless now.

4. The International Union also demands the Islamic countries and the Islamic Cooperation Organization to rescue their fellow Muslims in Kashmir, where it is a legitimate and humane duty at the same time.

(Say, ”Never will we be struck except by what Allah has decreed for us; He is our protector.” And upon Allah let the believers rely) [At-Tawbah: 51]

Date: 07 Dhul Hijja 1435
Corresponding to September 30, 2014


Mr. Dr. Yusuf al-Qaradawi                                                         Mr. Dr. Ali Muhiuddin AL-Qurra Daghi

Union President                                                                                         General Secretary


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