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IUMS send condolences on death of Sheikh Al-Sayed Askar, at the age of 89

To the righteous soul it will be said: "O fully satisfied soul!,Return to your Rabb(27) well pleased with Him and well-pleasing to Him.(28) Join My servants(29)and enter My paradise.(30)" (Al-fajr)

With hearts that believe in contentment with God’s decree and destiny, we received the sad news that Sheikh Dr. Muhammad Naim Yassin , who passed away on January 6, 2023 AD, at the age of (89).

The deceased passed away after a journey of diligence and devotion in the fields of: teaching, issuing fatwas, education, legal research, parliamentary work, and calling to God Almighty.


The Islamic nation has lost a great educator, and a realizing scholar from among its loyal and virtuous scholars. We ask God Almighty to forgive him and have mercy on him and have mercy on him and pardon him, and reward him with the best reward, honor his abode, enter him into the Paradise of Paradise, and gather him with the prophets and the truthful and good those are companion, and to inspire his family, relatives and lovers And his colleagues patience and solace, he is the best Lord and the best responder..


We belong to Allah and to Him we shall return.

 Secretary General

Dr. Ali Alqaradaghi


Dr. Habib Salem Al-Saqqaf




IUMS send condolences on death of Professor Abdul Qadir Aqi Al-Nammari.
IUMS send condolences on death of Dr. Muhammad Naim Yassin, a member of the Union, at the age of 80


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