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"IUMS Expresses Condolences on the Death of Distinguished Scholar and Freedom Fighter, Mohammed El-Taher Ait Algat, Algeria's Fatwa Council President, at 106."

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

Allah, the Almighty, said in Surah Al-Fajr (27-30): "O soul at peace, return to your Lord, well-pleased and pleasing, and enter among My servants, and enter My Paradise."

In an atmosphere of profound sadness and grief, we have received the news of the demise of the esteemed scholar and freedom fighter, Mohammed El-Taher Ait Algat. Serving as the Chairman of the Fatwa Council and the Crescent Committee in Algeria, as well as being one of the founders of the Islamic Call Association in Algeria, he departed this life at the age of 106, following a period of illness.

Born and Bred:

The departed scholar, Mohammed El-Taher Ait Algat, was born in 1917 in the region of Ait Algat in the Bejaia province, eastern Algeria. Under the tutelage of his mentor, the renowned Said El-Yajri, in his grandfather's zaouia (Islamic school), Sheikh Yahia Al-Eidli, he learned Arabic literature and language. By the age of 12, he had already committed the entire Quran to memory. Furthermore, he was instructed in a broad range of subjects, including Ajrumiyyah and Alfiyyah in syntax, Al-Risalah and Al-Mukhtasar in jurisprudence, in addition to subjects like astronomy, rhetoric, and more.

The Scholar's Legacy:

Remembered as a religious, social, and national figure of high standing, the sheikh symbolized the essence of Algerian scholars who dedicated their lives to the principles of their religion, nation, and Ummah. He was an emblem of spirituality and Quranic teachings, with his life's mission being to spread the word of God, champion the cause of Islam through wisdom and constructive preaching, and instruct and propagate the language of the Quran, i.e., Arabic.

Involvement in the Liberation Revolution:

Sheikh Algat actively participated in the Algerian revolution alongside fellow students of the zaouia of Sidi Yahia El Eidli. Following the destruction of their zaouia by French forces in August 1956, they collectively joined the Mujahideen. In late 1957, he traveled to Tunisia under the orders of Colonel Amirouche, who served as the judiciary in his military brigade and was tasked with dispute resolution.


Prominent among the scholars who studied under Sheikh Algat were the former Minister, Mouloud Qasim Naite Belkassem, Professor Dr. Mohammed El-Sharif Qaher, and Sheikh Abu Abdul Salam.

Literary Contributions:

Sheikh Algat's written works form a significant part of his legacy. His publications include an autobiography and an in-depth account of the Algerian revolution.

The Islamic community mourns the loss of one of its devoted scholars and sincere freedom fighters. We supplicate to Allah, the Most High and Almighty, to bestow upon him His divine mercy, to admit him into the gardens of Paradise, and to unite him in the hereafter with the prophets and the truthful ones. We extend our heartfelt condolences to his family and loved ones, praying that Allah grants them patience and solace in this time of sorrow. Indeed, He is the best Guardian and the most responsive to prayers.

To Allah, we belong, and to Him, we shall return.

Tuesday: 26 Dhul-Qa'dah 1444 AH Corresponding to: June 15, 2023

Dr. Ali Al-Quradaghi, Secretary-General

Dr. Salem Suqaf Al-Jaafari, President


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