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The Union's 'Palestine Branch' organizes an educational day titled: 'Creators of the Victorious Generation

The World Union of Muslim Scholars 'Palestine Branch,' in collaboration with the Marj Al-Zuhour Mosque community, organized an educational day titled 'Creators of the Victorious Generation' on Saturday, August 12th of the current year.

During the opening ceremony of the event, Dr. Abdul Samie Al-Arabi, the Deputy Head of the Branch, expressed his gratitude to the participating students and the contributing parties in organizing this educational day. He emphasized the importance of engaging in such activities and events that aim to enhance the individual's religious and scholarly aspects.

The educational day included a series of scientific and religious lectures presented by distinguished professors. Dr. Jihad Qaza'ar delivered a lecture on the role of the preacher as a role model, while Engineer Khamees Al-Masri addressed the topic of educational methods. Dr. Tarek Al-Talbani presented a lecture on the art of debates and the etiquette of dialogue, and Mr. Ahmad Al-Hasanat gave a lecture on strategic planning for preaching.

These lectures were well received by the attendees and witnessed significant interaction from the audience.


The Committee for Promoting Islamic Brotherhood and Unity in the Union holds a meeting to discuss enhancing communication and scholarly cooperation.


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