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Qara Dagi in a strong tweet: This is the globalization in the dirtiest forms!


Dr. Ali Mohiuddin Qara Daghi; Secretary-General of the IUMS, denounced the help of some countries to Russia and provide services and facilities for the fighter jets that hit the civilians in Syria, describing this as "the dirtiest forms of globalization."

"Qara Daghi" in the tweet below through his own site "Twitter": "Russian planes took off from Iranian airports across the Iraqi airspace … to hit targets in Syria... with an American blessing!! This is globalization in the dirtiest forms!!

He appealed Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov feign on Wednesday that there is no basis to consider Moscow's decision strikes in Syria; using the Russian aircraft from Iran, is a violation of UN Security Council Resolution No. 2231.

He added that the Russian aircraft launched from Iran as part of the Kremlin's anti-terrorist operation, as he appealed.

The 2231 decision prevents the supply, sale or transfer any fighter aircraft to Iran. The United States said on Tuesday that it is seeing whether the Russian strikes violated the resolution.

A Russian bombers of Sukhoy -34 type stationed in Hamedan the Iran Air Force Base has directed has Wednesday many strikes targets in Syria for the second day.



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