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GeneralComptroller of the Muslim BrotherhoodinJordan:Israeli entityto demise soon due to Palestinian resistance






GeneralComptroller of the Muslim BrotherhoodinJordan:Israeli entityto demise soon due to Palestinian resistance



General Comptroller of theMuslim BrotherhoodinJordan, Dr. HammamSaeedsaid thatIUMSis the most importantinstitutionsof intellectual, political and scientific that has a great formin theMuslim world, since it caresaabout thenation's issues, and it’s clearthroughhis advocacy ofthe Arab Spring revolutionssince its beginningsinEgypt, Syria,Libya,Yemen, andTunisia...and the most important one, Palestinian causeand the need todefeatthe occupation ofallof Palestine.Hesaidthat the battleof Palestinianagainst the occupationinthe aggression on Gazachanged the map of the region, and theZionist entityand the State ofIsraelto the demisesoonby theblessed jihadfor the variousPalestinian resistance factions. 

With respect tothe situation inJordan, Saeed notedontheGeneral Assemblyof the IUMS, held in Istanbulthat Jordanis witnessinga movementtowardreform ofthe systemevenbefore the start ofthe Arab Spring. 

And hesaw thatthe popular movementinJordanprior toallreformmovementsin the Arab countriesandtherefreedomsboth in terms ofthe media orthe political positions






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